(written in a creative writing group to celebrate Felice de Dia de Los Muertes)
Lost and found
acquaintances renewed
recognized, yet a different physical being.
Don’t you love it
when you meet a new friend –
yet you have known each other forever.
Souls once known and now departed:
I miss my Grammie.
She understood me,
and truly loved me.
An uncle passed one year –
unknown to me other than relation.
My Grampie,
whose worth was revealed to me
and is now cherished.
My other Grandparents,
good people associated
with childhood memories of loathing.
Good people whose culture
just didn’t match mine.
Missed, although without reverance.
And my own old soul,
I was told I have one.
I wonder if I am missed
in another lifetime?
What difference did I make, and can I repeat it?