As I was driving out to Santa Rosa, via Wyoming, Utah and Nevada – I found myself writing haiku and other poetry in my head to ease the boredom. Being an artist, all creativity counts, and I am sure these will serve for visuals once settled. (2010)
breath of fire, heat and gasoline
explodes to the detriment of no one
release, retrieve, return
to a life once lost to others
and root to the earth once more
to complete a life fulfilled.
ominous cloud rolls through each valley
ink stained cotton past metal and tree
reach out and touch it – drenched with slushy mess
slowly, creeping – storm deposits and moves on
scrubland rolls into jade mounds
pronghorn graze blue sky
the future replaces the past
grass and tree pillow cushions
sun rests fit to sleep
reckless red car halts day dreams