The scent of Jasmine
evokes purity and play
Bird song lights gray sky
Blind Precedence
Those who cannot see judge.
“She is cold.”
“She is weaker than us, because we do not understand her.”
“She believes,” they say, “that she is better than us.”
A Brief Moment
Finger tips of sun mold the liquid surface
Of turquoise waters as you swim before me.
I am pleasantly startled at this sudden appearance.
(And I think “you are gentle.”)
Dirty Laundry
Only God knows why I reside in this cage of sorrow.
Imprisoned with thoughts and fears borne of terrors long ago.
It is cramped, and my bones ache from the damp of tears.
Until now, anger has fueled my existence like a slow burning coal.
Lines between the lines
cracks that surface when the smoothness wears thin
resentment and rancour
when love fails responsibility to the hearts of others.
Evening News
The mockingbird thrums insane tunes
as water soothingly trickles from the neighbor’s fountain.
Classic piano dances with the heat
while Venus nudges Jupiter at dusk.